GUZEL GUNLER Turkish Series ✔️ BEAUTIFUL DAYS Turkish Drama, Plot, Synopsis, Trailer, Actors >>
GUZEL GUNLER Turkish Series
The Turkish series Guzel Gunler, Beautiful Days It is broadcast on the SHOW TV channel. It belongs to the romantic comedy genre. Starring Leyla Tanlar (Kacis) and Burak Dakak (Cukur).
The Turkish serie Beautiful Days is in its first season.
GUZEL GUNLER Plot – Synopsis
Selma comes to Istanbul from Van to receive her father’s inheritance. She is a young woman in her twenties. Her life suffered a great crisis years ago, when she was little and was accused of being responsible for a large fire.
Despite everything, Selma has always been optimistic and dreamy, she never lost hope. She is in a crisis and arrives in istanbul very poorThat’s why he sleeps in his car and eats in soup kitchens.
He is going to receive the inheritance but on one condition, that he find Mihran who is another heir. Mihran moved to Istanbul after the fire. The young man was born the same day as her and it was prophesied that it would be his great love. Selma finds Mihran in Istanbul, not only him but all of his large and fun family.
Cast and Characters of GUZEL GUNLER
Selma deVan. Binnur Kaya (Kymet)
Ecem Erkek (Füsun)
Leyla Tanlar (Selma)
Zeynep Camci (Altan)
Olgun Toker (Atakan)
Burak Dakak (Mihran)
Yıldıray Sahinler (Hakim)
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